Building Communities that Support Children’s Reading

Grant award number: S215G140114

A 2-year federally funded project to improve literacy for children in grades K-12 in low socioeconomic school districts across New Mexico, eastern Arizona, southern Colorado, and El Paso, Texas.

Visit the project website at http://BCSCR.3riversed.org.

Project components include

  • free out-of-school tutoring,
  • book distribution and community libraries,
  • teacher professional development,
  • reading activity packets,
  • class sets of reading materials and instructional guides, and
  • community workshops.

Project Goals and Objectives


  • Demonstrably and sustainably improve the literacy achievement among socioeconomically disadvantaged students attending 84 high-need, high-poverty school districts.


  • By the end of the funding period, in comparison to 2014 baseline (TBD), 40% of participating 4-year-old children will achieve significant gains in oral language skills
  • By the end of the funding period, in comparison to 2014 baseline (TBD), the percentage of 3rd-grade students who meet or exceed proficiency of State reading or language arts assessments will increase by 15 percentage points
  • By the end of the funding period, in comparison to 2014 baseline (TBD), the percentage of 8th-grade students who meet or exceed proficiency of State reading or language arts assessments will increase by 15 percentage points
  • By the end of the funding period, in comparison to 2014 baseline (TBD), the percentage of high school students who meet or exceed proficiency of State reading or language arts assessments will increase by 15 percentage points By the end of the funding period, the percentage of parents who report reading with their children will increase by 25 percentage points
  • By the end of the funding period 65% of teachers will indicate improvements in their reading instruction as a result of professional development as evidenced by school- and classroom-based assessments

Fiscal & Authorizing Agent: Three Rivers Education Foundation (Hart Pierce, President)
Project Director: Linda Coy
Tutoring Coordinator: Adela Holder 
Curriculum/PD Coordinator: Bobby Zemanek-White